Saturday, February 2, 2008

Trying to create my blog

Here I go. I am beginning a new adventure, maybe a nightmare.... we will see. Everybody seems to blog I hear, so I also have to give it a try. People claim it is so easy. I have heard this about using photoshop or taking math classes too, while to me neither of them really are! So here we go. 
In case you are reading this it would mean that I managed the task somehow. I hope doing it will become fun. And should that be the case I would even go so far as to encourage others to give it a try as well, SHOULD they feel the need to do so. And since my web site and my e-mail are currently not working reliably  (no, this has nothing to do with me THANK GOD) my blog would at least be a way to tell you all I STILL EXIST and create art. 

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