Friday, June 20, 2008

Titanium Needle

It seems that I am discovering things that have been around for a long time, but I was simply not aware of them. For whatever reason I am for sure not one that keeps up with what's new out there. And there is no particular reason for this.
I guess out of desperation I went needle hunting. I really LOVE working with my Microtex 8. There were no wholes even in my most delicate paper area. But with all my fabric and paper layers I simply was buying needles in the same amounts I buy swiss chocolate. That needed changing, no not the swiss chocolate part. So I asked  my new mechanic for advice. He just sold me the Janome Gem Platinum my new travel companion. He did not flinch when I showed him my work sample, but it must have looked really strange to him. That's different was all he said. We all kind  know what that means. But his suggestion was a titanium needle. And long and behold I am on my third art piece and I have NOT broken a single needle. Maybe just luck, but I like to believe that I found a solution to my needle drama. Granted the titanium needle is also a little heavier but the size of the wholes are so far not a problem. 

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