Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Art Work by Barbara DIx

Last fall I finally decided to improve my drawing skills. I needed it badly, but that is another story. I was very tempted by classes like 'Watercolor without drawing' but that would have defeated the purpose of taking the class. But I admit those classes were very tempting. Don't ask me why but I ended up in a water color class and not in a drawing class, I guess it is the colors that I was attracted to. And I also guess my choosing that particular class had a lot to do with its location. The class is held at Flamingo Gardens simply a beautiful place, thank God located close to where I live. I knew from the moment I finished my 3 hours that I would be happy there. I since have enjoyed every minute of every class there. Our teacher Barbara Dix, is a wonderful artist and teacher. Check out her new web site and see for yourself.

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